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Make Your Mark on the Galaxy at Savi's Workshop

Ever since the pandemic started, we’ve all been longing for a bit of magic, a way to escape our current circumstances and be a part of a new story. There’s no place quite like Disney when it comes to that very notion and this experience is no exception!

Much like the rest of Galaxy’s Edge, Savi’s Workshop transports you to the Black Spire Outpost where you’ll be greeted by members of a secret group called “The Gatherers.” We were welcomed by one such individual carrying a data pad who checked us in about 15 minutes prior to the experience.

Upon our arrival, we expressed a concern about a time conflict we might encounter. Our boarding group for Rise of the Resistance was about to be called and we weren’t sure if we would lose our chance to ride.

Fortunately we learned that the experience at Savi’s Workshop takes precedence over the boarding groups (all we would have to do is let a cast member know before scanning and entering the queue).

Relieved and excited, we followed the directions of the cast member and walked over to an assigned number and umbrella where we would learn about our next steps.

Through electronic means on our personal data pad (aka phone), we reviewed the different paths that we could take - Peace and Justice, Power and Control, Elemental Nature, or Protection and Defense. With each of these orders came a unique selection of lightsaber parts to choose from. As we were previewing the information on our data pad, we could see the designs organized through a chart of emitters, sleeves, switches, and endcaps. We were told that upon our selection, we would be directed to the counter to make it official (with a purchase of course).

Photos courtesy of the Walt Disney World Resort.

As we were making our purchase, the cast member showed us a physical version of the chart as well as an example saber. She informed us that there are additional accessories that we could purchase to hang and wear the saber hilt (and yes, of course we purchased one too).

Once the purchase was complete, I was given a pin to wear to indicate my chosen path as well as a color-coded card. We were asked to step onto another circle under an umbrella to wait for the experience to begin.

Within a few minutes, we were called to start our journey and meet the Master Gatherers who would educate us on the ways of the Jedi and assist us in building a custom lightsaber. Through a narrow corridor, we were brought into a small enclosed space - the workshop. The low lighting and subtle glow of the room helped set the mystery and mood of what was to come. We were assigned a station that was physically distant from fellow guests and were told to stay within our space as indicated by the dots on the floor.

Once settled in, I personally started to geek out. If you know me, I’m super passionate about visual storytelling and boy was there a ton to take in! From the patina on the workbenches and long drips of candles burning for months, to the exposed and damaged walls, plus a whole lot of old/new junk, there’s absolutely no detail left unturned. Just being in the room made you feel immersed in the story and we hadn’t even built anything yet!

Soon after, a man emerged donning a thick leather apron, eye shields, gloves, and a hooded robe with sleeves rolled up past his elbows. He introduced himself as Kembe, leader of the Gatherers, explaining the group’s purpose:

“We search the galaxy for ancient relics - abandoned outposts, forgotten places, battle ravaged planets - and what we find we bring here. So what a storm trooper might see as worthless clutter, those who know see priceless history. And in these times, preserving our past, well, preserving our past may ensure our future.”

Kembe then began to remind us of the spark of hope ignited by Rey and the reason we all were there - to build a lightsaber.

“The lightsaber has been wielded by some of our greatest heroes, and our darkest enemies. Elegant and enigmatic, to build a lightsaber is an art - the bond between saber and builder, the Force flowing between them. Today, you will feel that connection.”

Introducing the most important part of a lightsaber - the kyber crystal, Kembe presented each color by color, discussing those of the past who wielded them. First was blue, wielded by the likes of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and now Rey. Next, the green crystal was shown and we were reminded of the greats Qui-Gon Jinn, Ahsoka Tano, Master Yoda, and Luke Skywalker. Then, the rare violet crystal, as seen by the saber of Mace Windu, was presented.

Upon returning the violet crystal to the container, the music and tone suddenly changed. Kembe retrieved the red kyber crystal, the color of power as used by Darth Maul, Asajj Ventress, Darth Vader, and now Kylo Ren. But as he said, “these are the stories of the past” and it was our turn to select our kyber crystals.

I have always been drawn to the color blue so as the Gatherers presented their canisters of crystals, for me, this was the easiest selection throughout the process (and that’s coming from one of the most indecisive people ever).

Upon selecting the crystal, each builder placed theirs onto a small green stand, containing an indent that cupped around the crystal.

It was then time to build the lightsaber hilt. The Gatherers brought forth all of the components selected prior to entering the workshop. The tray had all the pieces from the Peace and Justice path that I selected during the time of purchase.

The Gatherers supported all the builders from a physical distance, providing step-by-step instructions on how to apply the components so that they fit just right. I personally tried a few different combinations from the tray. We were given the opportunity to make our own selections and the gatherers spoke with each guest at their workbench, complimenting their designs. This allowed folks like me plenty of time to make up our minds and decide upon the final design.

The Gatherers later came to test our creations to make certain everything was in working order and removed the excess components from our stations.

Next, we were asked to put our hilts in the holder at our benches and take a moment to reflect on all that we had done. To be honest, that was a great moment as it allowed you to really take it all in. Sometimes, we get caught up in the excitement that we never realize how awesome an experience truly is. We all looked around the room and even though we all were wearing masks, you could see that everyone was smiling behind those face coverings. Then the Star Wars melody began to play and you could hear a pin drop, everyone’s hearts were soaring.

After this special moment, the Gatherers came around for the “most dangerous” part - stabilizing the crystals for activation. Taking the newly created hilt, the Gatherers placed and turned the hilts, connecting them to a foggy glass and metal tube. The saber was beneath this shield.

“Everything went off without a hitch and nothing blew up, which was awesome.”

All of a sudden, as Kembe finished those above words, the room began to glow a green hue. Master Yoda was speaking to us and the awe was palpable. He said ...

“Now, joined we are, yes. Lightsaber. It begins. It is time. Your journey.”

It was time! On Kembe’s command, we activated our sabers together. The shield that once covered our sabers was withdrawn.

We lifted our sabers and the glow of each builders’ saber lit the room, along with exhilarating feeling of each guest in reaction to this epic moment. The Star Wars theme began to play once again.

Within those few seconds, it was as if the whole world melted away. There was no COVID, no worry, no awareness of any troubles ... there were no words. It was peace, an escape, a full immersion ... we were part of the Star Wars universe! I personally couldn’t stop staring at my newly created saber.

Kembe’s voice brought us back to deactivate our sabers. Then, another message from Master Yoda:

“Ah, complete your lightsaber is ... May the Force be with you.”

Did Yoda really just say that ... TO US???!!!! Wow, that was something else!

“In your hands you hold remarkable power and remarkable power ... shouldn’t be dropped on the ground.”

With this little chuckle-getter from Kembe, our experience was coming to a close. We learned that as we would be dismissed from the workshop, we would be given a saber sheath (which did indeed protect our saber all the way through our trip and flight home).

“Your journey had just begun. It is time to make your mark on the galaxy. But remember, YOU are as extraordinary and unique as the sabers you have built today. Who knows? Maybe next time, we’ll be telling your story.”

Kembe pointed to a young boy at the station to the right of me. The look on his face was priceless. His enthusiasm could be felt across the galaxy. That’s what this experience is about. That boy’s imagination was ignited and his day was made!

We activated our sabers once more and were then directed onto our new journey. When we exited the workshop, all you could hear was “that was BEYOND amazing!” From myself included. There’s truly no other words to describe it. It is unlike anything you could ever imagine.

After building your lightsaber, make sure to head over to the Millennium Falcon to cap off the experience.

Now before you go ahead and ask is it worth such a steep price, I can assure you that this is a once in a lifetime experience that will have any Star Wars fan SERIOUSLY geeking out!

If you want a closer look into our experience at Savi's Workshop, check out the video below.

- Marisa


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