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Calling All Animal Lovers: Here’s one CLOSE experience you’ll never forget.

Updated: Dec 21, 2019

Love the Kilimanjaro Safaris? Want to take that experience to the next level? 

Then you may want to try Up Close with Rhinos, a special experience at Disney’s Animal Kingdom.  This one-hour special tour allows you and your family to go behind the scenes and interact with white rhinos, the most social of the species.

One of the rhinos seen on the Kilimanjaro Safaris.

 We booked this tour for our recent trip to the Walt Disney World Resort. We met our guides at the Curiosity Animal Tours kiosk near the entrance to the safari. After signing in, we were provided lanyards with our names on them.  Other families were part of the tour with us, including a family with little ones (this tour is for all ages). 

Once we had gone over the rules of being “backstage” (no pictures or videos), we were off to a black mini van that took us to the rhino enclosure. 

First, our guides gave us some history of the rhino program at the Animal Kingdom. They began by discussing the various types of rhinos, their native locations, and the characteristics of their structure. Our guides referred to various visuals such as a mural developed by cast members and a model skull. We were then invited to see the stalls in which the rhinos would rest or gather some warmth during those rare cold Florida nights.

We were also introduced to the “rhino family tree” consisting of past and present residents at the Animal Kingdom. We learned about the rhinos that were born at the park and later released back into the wild.  One of the rhinos discussed named Dugan, was introduced this past November. He had quite the start upon his arrival to the Animal Kingdom. He did not have any training at his prior home and thus, was essentially starting from scratch. Not only did he have this hill to climb, he also had the reintroduction of the train to Rafiki's Planet Watch which would often spook Dugan due to its unfamiliar noise. It was interesting to discover the dynamics of the young rhino and how even changes within the park can influence an animal's behavior.

After learning about the park's rhinos and their enclosure, we were off to the training area to meet Kendi and Kiama - the mother/daughter duo waiting for us.  As a very protective mother, Kendi started as a skeptical student. She later made an unbreakable bond with her trainer whose love and passion oozed as she demonstrated some of the training techniques used with the rhinos. Our guide told us that trainers use positive reinforcement in addition to sound cues to help the animals achieve what is asked of them. Watching Kendi line up against the side of the enclosure was truly unique. It took some time to perform the task which further illustrated how the trainers turn failures into successes which are celebrated (with a yummy treat).

Then, the highlight of the tour happened - we each got to pet Kendi. It is such an awesome experience!

You're probably thinking, 'What does a rhino feel like?' We'd probably liken it to a roughed-up basketball with fine hairs. The region of her skin that we were advised to touch was just above the line formed from Kendi's time in the wallow, a brownie-like mud mixture which helps the rhinos cool down, moisturize, and keep insects away.

Once all the guests on the tour were able to interact with Kendi, we were delighted with yet another surprise - seeing Kiama in action. Although she looked much like her mother (rhinos actually learn how to form their horns from their mother), Kiama's personality was vastly different. The 4-year-old was absolutely lovable and completed every task asked of her. We learned that she would often beg for treats, which she did on our tour by presenting her mouth to the trainer.

The rhinos are such majestic animals and act just like puppies!

If that wasn’t enough we were provided with insights on the neighboring cheetah and elephant enclosures as well as the surrounding areas backstage (even a few hidden Mickeys that only cast members and guests on this tour would be able to see).

Before our time with our guides ended, they told us that part of the cost of the tour goes to directly to the conservation efforts for rhinos in the wild. This tour alone has already raised what would equate to the cost of a family home, which is incredible!

Our tour concluded with a mini van back “onstage”.  We returned our lanyards and had a great surprise on the backside of our name tags (don’t want to spoil it for you all).

Once back "onstage," we had the opportunity to take photos with one of two tour-related props. We opted for this one over the frame so that we can always remember our experience with two incredible rhinos.

We definitely recommend this experience for anyone looking to get a closer look at the animals, interested in conservation, or is looking to plus their visit.

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